
Mesin Cup Sealer Otomatis 8 Line

Update Terakhir
13 Agu 2024
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Cup Sealer 8 Line Full Pnuematic

Cup 8 Line Full Pnuematic Sealer are sealing packaging machines/glass with capacity of 8 glasses once the process. Of course, its capacity was in sight this machine is specially for the production of medium-scale factories to the top.

What is a Full Pneumatic?

Full Pnuematic here it means the entire performance of this machine in motion by wind driven pneumatic system/dARI compressor. Starting from Dropping Cup/glass drop into the water from the injection molding machine, tandon to glasses, coding/print date expired, heater/sealing plastic lid cup, cutting/cutting lid plunger until the cup, glasses that come out of the mouth of the moulding.

Advantages Of Full Pneumatic

This system is more precise than on machines that use mechanical systems, precision is one of the process of charging the water volume is almost the same between glasses of one denGan more. Other benefits i.e. amount of production capacity will be more than using a mechanical system using sealer cup (see our mechanical products cup sealer), although the price is more expensive and must add a compressor to support pnuematicnya, but "there is a price There As" satisfactory results will be obtained by you from Cup Sealer 8 Full this Pneumatic Line.

<img alt="" data-cke-saved-src="https://www.jayaabaditeknik.com/img/uploads/images/album/Cup%20Sealer%20GD%208%20Li alt=" src="https://www.jayaabaditeknik.com/img/uploads/images/album/Cup%20Sealer%20GD%208%20Li alt=" "="">

Engine specifications Cup Sealer 8 Line:

  • Power: 6800 Watt .380 Volt/50 Hz, 3 Phase

  • Production capacity: approximately 9,600 Cups/hour

  • Body: Full Stainless Steel (Contact Products)

  • Tank capacity: 98 Litres

  • Power kompressor: min 10 Hp (7.5 kw)

  • Dimensions: 400 x 80 x 170 cm

  • Weight: 1,500 Kg

How Does The Process Work?

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